Norris, Clarke & O’Brien planners can provide clients – including private clients and government departments – with specialist planning services. In particular the firm specialises in the preparation of development applications, due diligence assessment reports and development potential advice under a wide range of South-East Queensland Local Authority Planning Schemes.
Expertise of the consultancy covers urban and residential land development together with commercial and industrial land development, or any combination of land uses when undertaken as mixed use development.
Whether you are building, extending or demolishing a house, subdividing land, building multi-unit dwellings, commercial or industrial buildings, or undertaking a large-scale development, Norris Clarke and O’Brien can provide the advice and skills to obtain the highest and best use of land.
Norris Clarke & O’Brien expertise ranges from minor renovations to dwelling houses for Carports or extensions for additional living space to large scale unit development and commercial towers and all facets of development in between.
With decades of Town Planning experience, the in-house town planners can make the seemingly impossible development, possible. The impossible is achieved through skilled negotiation and providing the client with expert due diligence before enacting future development. Norris Clarke & O’Brien provide clients with realistic development expectations; we are not in the business of giving misleading advice to secure your business. A successful development outcome is not only your priority; it is Norris Clarke & O’Brien’s as well, a happy client is the most valuable asset to a company.
We provide tailored guidance from for a wide range of projects for very experienced developers to your first time lodging a development application with Brisbane City Council. We are there every step of the way to answer any questions you may have no matter how big or small.
Utilising Norris Clarke & O’Brien services from concept to completion will ensure the project is completed with the utmost precision.
Want to Renovate your Home? – Extension to a Dwelling House within the Traditional Building Character Overlay
For the client, this is their home and a place they can unwind and relax. Norris Clarke & O’Brien understand this, and that is why we ensure no matter how small a detail we provide the very best planning expertise to ensure that minor detail is achieved.
Norris Clarke & O’Brien have inhouse Town Planners who specialise in development applications for Renovations and Extensions to Pre-1946 dwelling houses. The specialist planners can work with you to ensure you achieve a supported design outcome. The development outcome is achieved through years of experience obtaining Development Approvals each unique and adding to Norris Clarke & O’Brien’s wealth of knowledge. Please see the examples below: –
Whether you are a client who currently reside within the existing property or a developer looking to buy and flip the property, Norris Clarke & O’Brien ensure the best possible design and development outcome for your residence of a home going to market.
Norris Clarke & O’Brien achieved a double carport and extension to the front of the existing dwelling house. Through the development application, Norris Clarke & O’Brien were able to negotiate a setback of 0.5m from the front boundary. Generally, you require a setback of 6m from the front boundary. The relaxation of setbacks gave the client an additional room for their family and additional car accommodation.
A client came to Norris Clarke & O’Brien with a development outcome in mind to renovate and relocate an existing dwelling house over two parcels of land. Expert negotiation and due diligence allowed the client to an existing dwelling house over two parcels of land into a renovated house over one parcel of land, leaving a vacant block for a future build or a future sale. The client could capitalise and turn one house into two with guidance from Norris Clarke & O’Brien.
Delivering a client their dream home is something Norris Clarke & O’Brien pride themselves on. Lots less than 450m2 is considered a Small Lot and faces stricter design requirements per Local Council Planning Schemes.
After a successful Subdivision Application, the client had two small lots for future development. For both lots, Norris Clarke & O’Brien successfully negotiated minor relaxations to building requirements to allow for a significant house footprint within the small lot. This permitted the client more open space living whilst capitalising on the existing views the site provided.
In this instance, the client was able to capitalise on retaining the existing dwelling house on a standard lot whilst creating an additional Small Lot in the process. The client then went onto the successful design and constructed a new dwelling house on the new vacant lot. The design was able to seek relaxations for the side boundary and rear boundary setbacks to maximise the building footprint within the Small Lot.
Suppose you do not meet minimum lot size for a Planning Scheme to subdivide, however still development potential of the land parcel. In that case, a Dual Occupancy can be the way forward to maximise the development potential.
After obtaining advice from the Local Council, our future client was advised a Subdivision Application would not be supported. They turned to Norris Clarke & O’Brien for development advice of how to capitalise on the property. A Dual Occupancy allowed the client to construct the two dwellings on the one parcel of land.
Large parcels of land located outside of the city centre are prime for townhouse-style development. This solution suits clients looking to maximise land whilst providing small lot dwelling house style developments. Norris Clarke & O’Brien has been successful in this development field for delivering time and time again for return clients and first-time clients.
A referred Client came to Norris Clarke & O’Brien for development advice on how to capitalise on a parcel of land outside of the city centre. Due to the zoning and the state of the existing dwelling house, the highest and best use was to convert to retain the existing dwelling house, move it within the existing parcel of land and construct three townhouses to the rear of the existing house.
City Centres, City Fringes and Centre Areas outside of the direct City Centre the Client can capitalise on the zone requirements for height, site cover and gross floor area. Norris Clarke & O’Brien have successfully achieved large scale development for some of QLD’s largest development corporations.
Norris Clarke & O’Brien working with long-standing clients have facilitated a vast majority of development within the Chermside Precinct ranging from solely Commercial Towers (Medical/Health Care and Offices) to Large Apartment Buildings comprising of 50+ apartments. From Concept to Completion Norris Clarke & O’Brien have been instrumental in the Development Application, compliance with development conditions and Plan Sealing.
Norris Clarke & O’Brien have an added benefit that not many other town planning firms have with in-house Cadastral Surveyors. Both Town Planners and Cadastral Surveyors are instrumental in achieving a subdivision outcome. Norris Clarke & O’Brien have been maximising land potential since its creation and are experts in the land subdivision from the inner city to rural and environmental areas.
A return Client came to Norris Clarke & O’Brien with a proposed Subdivision in the hopes of creating an additional parcel of land. However, the additional parcel of land did not meet the minimum lot size the Local Council required for the area. Through expert negotiation and appropriate due diligence and research, Norris Clarke & O’Brien achieved the client’s desired outcome.
Norris Clarke & O’Brien successfully obtained a Subdivision Approval (Impact Assessable) within four months. Due to the Zoning within the Local Council, it identifies the minimum developable area to be 2750m2. Expert negotiation and justification allowed the client to achieve lot sizes as low 481m2.
Without consulting Norris Clarke & O’Brien, the client went from lodging a development application to create an additional lot to now achieving 15 lots. This was a great design outcome that both Norris Clarke & O’Brien was happy to be part of.
Norris Clarke & O’Brien with over 50 years’ experience has seen and worked with clients who are lodging their first Town Planning Application to some of Queensland’s largest developers. No matter how big or small, each client receives the time and attention required to ensure they have a timely and concise development from Concept to Completion.
Norris, Clarke and O’Brien (formerly KG Norris & Associates) is a Brisbane based private planning and surveying practice which delivers consulting services to private clients and government departments.
Want to discuss a potential project with our team? Leave you details below and we will be in contact.
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